
If you're struggling in life, chances are I've been there. From humble beginnings in a lower middle-class family, tenacity was always part of me. But that doesn't mean that I was without struggle or poor life choices.

A mom at 19, I began adulthood with knowing that I had to succeed to provide my kids with the best I could. I looked for every opportunity to improve my skillset and eventually entered a life in ministry. Then at 28, my entire life turned upside down at the hands of my ex-husband (father of my kids). I lost it all. My marriage, my employment, my home, everything.

I was forced to start over, from scratch, with two young children. I ended up leveraging the skills I had to secure a job good enough to provide a 3-bedroom apartment and went back to school online at night. Over the course of the following 7 years, I climbed the corporate ladder, improving my income by 400%, all while struggling through failed relationships and bringing my father to live with me when he lost his job due to cancer.

Through every battle and struggle, I found a way forward, a way up, and a way out. There was nothing I was going through that was going to hold me down and prevent me from my dreams. And you shouldn't let anything keep you back either.

The perfect blend of experience to help YOU succeed

In my corporate day job, I spend my days exploring business needs and solving problems, improving processes and frameworks, leading teams and mentoring others. I have the perfect combination of professional and personal experience to help you achieve your goals and have a brighter future, no matter what situation you're in.

If you're ready to say goodbye to "the way it's always been", then let's get started today!