Sometimes I see posts of people with terrible attitudes and unfortunate viewpoints on life, insisting that everyone else should change but not them. Not their attitude, not their lack of self-control, not their habits or actions. Just everyone else. And it’s a terrible way to live. The truth is, it's ok to be the problem.
Self improvement is for everyone
Every single one of us has something that we can improve about ourselves.
- Our attitudes
- Our habits
- Our education
- Our decisions
- Our indecisiveness
- Our laziness
The list goes on and on and on.
But I can't, I don't want to...
The problem is… we don’t like to dig deep and see the areas where WE are the problem.
- We want more money but we don’t want to save or find a better opportunity.
- We want to be healthier but we don’t want to eat better or stop things like smoking and heavy drinking.
- We want to have better social connections but we don’t improve ourselves to attract better people.
- We want kids that are focused and dedicated to studies and becoming great adults but we aren’t willing to take away devices until homework is done.
Do you wish...?
What part of your life has you thinking, “I wish this were better. I wish I could.... I wish I had...?”
Everything we’ve ever wanted to achieve could be possible. If we are willing to work for it. Is it going to be easy? Of course not.
- Your children are going to pitch a fit about not being able to play games before they do homework. Keep at it until they learn and understand.
- Your muscles are going to ache every day, until they don’t and you can push them harder.
- You’re going to lose friends that are toxic while you detox yourself, and that’s ok.
- You're going to wake up early to go to work, but you'll have money coming in.
What's the solution?
Take some time today to reflect on the parts of your life that you simply aren’t ok with. The areas you gripe to your friends and family about. Explore the possibility (or even probability) that you are the problem.
And then discover and contemplate the fact that you are ALSO the solution.